Hair Transplant

DHI (Direct Hair Implantation): Minimally Invasive Hair Restoration

DHI, or Direct Hair Implantation, is a modern hair transplant technique offering a minimally invasive approach to hair restoration. Similar to FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), individual hair follicles are meticulously extracted from a donor area, typically the back or sides of the scalp. However, DHI sets itself apart with a specialized pen for implantation. This pen eliminates the need for pre-made channels in the recipient area, minimizing scarring and improving the survival rate of the extracted follicles.

Benefits of DHI:

  • Reduced Scarring: The DHI pen allows for direct implantation, minimizing scarring compared to traditional FUE.
  • Faster Healing: Smaller wounds created by the pen facilitate quicker healing times.
  • Denser Hair Growth: Precise placement with the DHI pen allows for potentially denser hair transplantation, leading to a fuller appearance.
  • Improved Follicle Survival: Less handling during the one-step extraction and implantation process could benefit the health of the follicles.

Drawbacks of DHI:

  • Higher Cost: DHI’s technical nature often makes it more expensive than other techniques.
  • Longer Procedure Time: The meticulous placement of follicles with the DHI pen can lead to longer surgery times.
  • Limited Availability: Finding a qualified DHI surgeon might be more challenging due to the technique’s relative newness.

Considering DHI?

Consult a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss DHI’s suitability for your specific needs. They can assess your hair loss pattern, desired hair density, and budget to recommend the best approach for achieving a natural-looking and successful hair restoration outcome.

FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation): The Traditional Technique 

FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, is a well-established surgical technique used for hair restoration. While minimally invasive compared to older methods, it’s considered more invasive than newer techniques like FUE and DHI. During FUT, a thin strip of scalp containing healthy hair follicles is removed from the donor area, typically the back of the head. This strip is then meticulously dissected under a microscope to separate the individual follicular units for transplantation.

Benefits of FUT:

  • Cost-effective: FUT is generally less expensive than FUE and DHI.
  • Suitable for Large Areas: This technique can be efficient for transplanting a larger number of hair follicles in one session.

Drawbacks of FUT:

  • Linear Scarring: The removal of a scalp strip leaves a linear scar at the donor site, which can be noticeable depending on hairstyle and hair density.
  • Longer Recovery Time: Healing from the strip removal takes longer compared to FUE and DHI.
  • Less Natural-Looking Results: The larger follicular unit grafts used in FUT can sometimes lead to a less natural appearance compared to single follicle techniques like FUE and DHI.

Is FUT right for you?

While FUT offers cost advantages, consider discussing with a qualified hair transplant surgeon whether the potential for scarring and longer recovery aligns with your desired outcome. They can assess your needs and recommend the most suitable technique for a natural-looking and successful hair restoration.

FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction): The Minimally Invasive Gold Standard 

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, has become the gold standard for minimally invasive hair transplantation. Unlike older techniques that remove a strip of scalp, FUE meticulously extracts individual follicular units directly from the donor area, typically the back or sides of the head. These follicular units contain 1-4 hairs, mimicking natural hair growth patterns.

Benefits of FUE:

  • Minimal Scarring: FUE leaves only tiny puncture marks at the donor site, which are barely noticeable with short hair.
  • Shorter Recovery Time: The minimally invasive nature of FUE allows for faster healing times compared to FUT.
  • More Natural-Looking Results: Transplanting individual follicular units allows for a natural and aesthetically pleasing hair restoration outcome.
  • Versatility: FUE is suitable for transplanting hair to various areas of the scalp, including the hairline and eyebrows.

Drawbacks of FUE:

  • Cost: FUE can be more expensive than FUT due to the time and expertise required for meticulous extraction.
  • Procedure Time: Extracting individual follicles can be time-consuming, leading to longer surgery times compared to FUT.
  • Donor Area Limitations: The number of follicles available for extraction is limited by the donor area’s density.

Considering FUE?

FUE is a popular choice for its minimally invasive nature and natural-looking results. However, consult a qualified hair transplant surgeon to discuss if FUE aligns with your budget and desired recovery timeline. They can assess your scalp to determine if FUE is the best approach for achieving your hair restoration goals.


Frequently asked questions

Who is the Best Candidate for a Hair, Beard, or Eyebrow Transplant?
  • Above 25 years of age, preferably
  • Good Volume of the Donor area
  • No metabolic disorders or controlled metabolic disorders like controlled diabetes, controlled hypertension,
  • No Active autoimmune disease
  • No history of Keloids or Hypertrophic scars
  • No Systemic infections or scalp infections
  • No recent childbirth
  • Not on Immunosuppressant medications
What is the post-op Op Care for Hair / Beard / Eyebrow Transplant?
  • Once you reach your Home / Hotel room, Take medications given by us after food
  • While sleeping, keep 3 pillows and your head elevated at a 45-degree angle
  • Do not lean forward, even while using the phone, to prevent swelling if a Hair transplant or eyebrow transplant is done
  • The recipient site tends to become dry, Normal Saline spray in the after-kit provided should be used frequently to keep the transplanted hair moist
  • The donor site dressing is to be removed 24 hours after the procedure
  • Mupirocin ointment to be applied on the donor site (will be provided in after-kit)
Will there be Pain during Hair Transplant or will it hurt after Hair Transplant?

Since we use a long-acting Local anesthetic, there will be no pain

When can I resume Work after Hair Transplant and other activities?
  • If you are working from home, you can resume the next day
  • If you have to go to an office, you can go after 1 week
When / How should I do my first hair wash after Hair Transplant?
  • You can do your first hair wash on the 10th day
  • A gentle cleanser on the 1st day and a ketoconazole shampoo on the 3rd day and again a gentle cleanser on the 5th day and so on will be provided in After Kit
What is the age limit for hair transplants?

There is no age restriction for Hair transplant, but an ideal candidate is a minimum of 25years of age

Is the transplanted hair permanent?

Yes the transplanted hair is permanent, it can become thin, if not maintained, but will stay permanently

When can I start seeing results after Hair Transplant?
  • Hair transplant – from the 7th Month, but the best result is by the 13th Month
  • Beard Transplant / Eyebrow Transplant – 5th Month
How long is the Hair Transplant Surgery?

For 3000 Follicles

  • FUT – 4 to 5 hrs
  • FUE – 6 to 8 hrs
  • Instant FUE – 8 to 10 hrs

(with frequent breaks for the patient)

What are the complications or side effects of Hair transplant surgery?

Some of them are very common, and some are uncommon. Some side effects are temporary and some of them last longer

  • Bleeding: bleeding very rarely occurs, if it occurs, it can be pressed with gauze and bleeding will stop (gauze provided in the after kit)
  • Hair popping: one or few hair roots can pop off when you accidentally touch or come in contact with the transplanted site. NThere is nothingto worry about in a 3000 follicle-done area.
  • Infection – Infection rarely occurs, Antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are provided in the after kit to prevent infections. Try to avoid touching the transplanted site with dirty hands or getting exposed in a dirty environment
  • Itching – If the scabs become dry, it causes itching. To prevent itching, keep the transplanted site moist with the spray provided in the Afterkit
  • Pain – FUT procedures cause a considerable amount of pain and in FUE the pain is much lesser. To keep you pain-free, we will administer your medications to have no pain after the procedure (medications provided in After kit)
  • Swelling – If you have undergone a Hair transplant and beard transplant you will have swelling of the jowls and forehead respectively on the 4th to 7th day. In some cases, there might be even an appearance of a black eye. It tends to wear off slowly
  • Scarring –
    • FUE causes micro scars which will disappear in a few weeks and when hairs grow around it, it will be hidden
    • FUT causes a linear scar, if you keep longer hair in the back of the scalp, it will also be hidden
  • Numbness – Numbness is common in the donor area, but the sensation will come back in a few weeks
  • Cyst formation – Whenever there are buried grafts, they need to be taken out, if not they can cause cysts. They appear as pimples, they can get aggravated and you need to visit a doctor to let it out or visit us, we will do the same
  • Hair Shedding – After Transplant hair doesn’t start growing right away. The Hairs in the roots of all the transplanted ones start shedding from the 2nd month and up to the 4th month. Thereafter new hair starts growing
What is the preoperative Operative Preparation for Any Hair Transplant?
  • Surgical Fitness, Investigations
  • Physician /Anesthetist Fitness for Surgery certificate Obtained
  • The patient has to stop smoking and alcohol 1 week before surgery
  • Continue all other regular medications
What Happens on the Day of Hair Transplant Surgery?
  • Have A Light breakfast, wear a comfortable buttoned shirt, and reach the clinic
  • An attendee ( family member, friend / anyone) at the time of reaching the clinic
  • Pre-pictures will be taken and pre-op Op Medications will be given
  • Marking will be done for the Donor and Recipient area
  • Zero Trimming of the entire head or only trimming of the donor area (as applicable) will be done and washed
  • Marking of the hairline, High-Density areas, and Low-density areas—no Grafts in each area—will be planned.
  • Local anesthesia will be given
  • Slits will be made on the recipient area
  • Extraction will be followed by implantation or Simultaneous Extraction and implantation.
  • Lunch and Snacks will be provided as needed
  • Post-surgery, a dressing will be done of the donor area and a surgical cap will be used to cover the recipient area
  • The patient will be provided with an Aftercare kit.
  • Patient Should go Home / Room directly, Take food and medications, and take rest.
Should I stay in the Hospital Overnight after a Hair Transplant?
  • No, it is a daycare procedure
  • No admission is required
  • You can travel back to your hotel room/home immediately after surgery
Will My transplanted Hair fall out?
  • We have transferred the hair root, the hair inside the root tends to fall out from the 4th week up to 4 months,
  • All the hairs that are inside the transplanted root will fall out
  • New Hair will start growing thereafter
What is the cost of a Hair Transplant in Chennai?

For 3000 Follicular Units ( Irrespective of 1 2 or 3 or 4 hairs in each follicular unit)

  • Cost of Hair Transplant in Chennai – Rs: 2,00,000 to 3,80,000
  • Cost of Beard Transplant in Chennai – Rs 1,50,000 to 2,50,000
  • Cost of Eyebrow Transplant in Chennai – Rs. 80,000 to 1,00,000
Can Women Undergo Hair Transplant?
  • Yes women with Female Pattern Baldness
  • Yes women with raised forehead hairline
  • Yes women with tractional alopecia
Do all Women who lose hair need a Hair Transplant?

No, women lose hair on the following conditions and grow back hair when the stimulant is gone

  • When there is stress in family or work or personal life
  • When they have given birth
  • When they are in pre-menopausal time
  • Occupational hazards
  • Hormonal disturbances
Can the transplanted hair be styled and treated like natural hair?
  • Yes, its your own hair.
  • It can be styled, washed, cut, or shaved as the rest of the scalp hair
Do I need to come for review frequently after Hair Transplant?
  • After 48 hours, you should come for a review
  • On the 10th day after 1st wash (Direct visit or Online)
  • On the 21st Day (Direct visit or Online)
  • After 6 weeks (Direct visit or Online)
  • After 3 months (Direct visit or Online)
Do I need to take any medications after the Hair Transplant
  • Corrective medications as per your earlier Hair loss investigations
  • Supplements to Strengthen Hair
  • If there is hair thinning on follow-up, further medications and topical medicines will be prescribed
Would i need any more hair transplants?
  • The main aim of the evaluation is to find the cause and treat the cause to stop further loss.
  • Replace the lost hair with Hair transplant and other Treatments
  • Half yearly evaluation and treatments and small changes in lifestyle will prevent further loss
  • If not maintained, He or she will require further hair transplants
Is Hair Transplant Safe?

A Hair Transplant is safe When a proper assessment of the patient is done, and even though the surgery is done under local anesthesia, the patient’s surgical fitness is still obtained from an anesthetist.

Hair Transplant

Prof. Dr. T. Rajinikanth MBBS, MS, MCh (plastic), FAM, Chief Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon, founded Spring Med Clinic in the 2013 Advanced Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery Clinic at Nanganallur. We are Best in Class for Hair Transplant, Gynecomastia, Male and Female Enhancement Surgeries, Hydrafacial, Laser Hair Removal, PRP for Hair, Vampire Facelift, Acne Scar Treatments, Stem Cell Therapy for Azoospermia, and Erectile Dysfunction. We offer cosmetology, cosmetic sexology, cosmetic dentistry, and laser treatments. We have highly specialized plastic surgeons, dermatologists, cosmetologists, and cosmetic dentists.

He has his regular OP on Sundays.


Prof.Dr. T. Rajinikanth MBBS, MS, MCh.

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